Friday, July 27, 2012

Hey, Hey, Hey It's Raining :O) YEAH!!!

It's raining. Of course, we are having thunderstorms but at this point I'm just thankful for the rain!!!! YEAH!!!!!

Happy Friday Everyone...

Friday is here again....hope you all have a great weekend! We were supposed to get storms and rain this week...NOT...still no rain. I hate thinking what it's going to do to prices this fall and winter, not a pretty site. I've never seen anything like it, ever! The farmers crops are done for, nothing can grow in weather like this. It has been so hot day and night. We get a warm, warm breeze at night, but it's still hot!!! When it's still 95 degrees at midnight, that's not cool!!!
On another note....I have several new images and it's going to take me a month of Sunday's to get them all onto a card...but I'm so happy ... I had to order some stick and spray, I think that's what it's called yesterday so I can ink up my unmounted images. So I have to wait till that comes to get started on those. Can hardly wait :O)
Hubby is at wound care getting his HBO treatment and my lazy self is sitting here needing to get in the shower and get my day started...and it's after noon, but me I'm on 2nd-3rd shift...not by choice, just can never sleep.
Waiting for my daughter to call, but I may just have to call her back, want to get going here.....
I so love blogging and seeing everyone's wonderful talent. I'm in awe of so many of you so very talented folks out there. I try to leave comments and keep up, but sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day.
Anywho, hope you all have a great weekend ..... Hugs! Leah Ann

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Saturated Canary's Scratch Hubby's Birthday Card

 Saturated Canary's Scratch
Hubby's birthday is tomorrow, so I had to make this today while he is gone because he is nozey! :)
I was asked where I got my embellishments...the feathers are from Michael's Arts & Crafts.
The fence is Magnolia Doo Hickey Die, Charm & Rhinestones are from JoAnn's I believe. Twine from good ole' Walmart :O) Flower is Wild Orchid Crafts and the paper I believe I got at JoAnn's, Michaels or Archivers...not sure on that! Happy Birthday is Stampin Up and the other two stamps, I've had for ages and I don't have a clue where I got them.
I gave hubby his card and he loves it!!! Mission Accomplished :O)
 Close Up
Sorry it's not very clear. I have a glare on it....probably the time of the day....but I don't want him to see it, so this will have to do!



Mo's Digital Winter Fairy Talva

Sunday, July 22, 2012

New Blog Linky Party for Less than 500 followers at My Crafting Channel

Would you like more exposure to your Blog??? New Blog Linky Party is a way to get to more exposure, and find new inspiration....

This collection has been deleted by its author
powered by inlinkz

Here's The Rules:

*Be a follower of My Crafting Channel.

*Grab her button and post on your blog's sidebar

*Create a new blog post titled
New Blog Linky Party at My Crafting Channel
making sure you tell your followers to visit my page to READ THE RULES before they link up. Or you can add all the rules to you post. If someone is linking up from your blog they want know the rules otherwise and this would result in their link being removed.

*In your post, you must mention that the New Blog Linky Party is a way to get to more exposure, and find new inspiration, mention my blog, with a link back to my blog.

*Copy and paste the link up code into your blog post (at the end of your post.. using the Edit HTML tab on your post edit page) so the Inlinkz will show up on your blog.


*After you publish your page then add your link this can be done right from you page. When linking up and you get to the part where you need to pick a picture use your latest post image.

*Start spreading the word so everyone can join.

*Please visit, follow, and comment on as many as you can--maybe everyone's blog that joins the party? If you do not do the above your link will be deleted, because it's just not fair to those who work so hard linking up and showing love to the ones on the list.

Link Up Party runs from Saturday 7/22 to Saturday 7/30

Don't forget to enter for a chance to WIN a $150.00 Joann Fabrics Gift Card
There are 4 ways to increase your odds of winning
CLICK HERE for more info

Friday, July 20, 2012

OH MY! What a Giveaway Celebration!!! You must check it out!

Oh my word....Ingvild Bolme is having A CELEBRATION must check it out...tons of goodies....!!! GO CHECK IT OUT!!!! Huge lot of PRIMA Products....check it out HERE

Saturated Canary Witches Give me your candy or else.....

A little this and a little that!

I been playing catch up. Wow miss one day of blogging and your out of the loop :O) Hubby had a stint put in his leg so hoping that the blockage is fixed and it will stay that way! He's at wound care, so I've been cleaning house a bit, and just got through doing a blog hop. It poured rain at the hospital as I was going out to the car a big huge bolt of lightning scared the fire right out of me...and I got soaked but I got hubby and got him home. Of course where we live, we got very little rain. Seems all around us they get rain and we don't. It's a bit cloudy today, but jeez doesn't mean anything anymore it seems. It will cloud up, thunder and nothing. I guess when we do get it, we will get it good! I have several new images so I'm hoping to get them printed and colored. While hubby was having his surgery our friends 16 yr. old son was life lined to the hospital. He had rolled his truck 3 or 4 times, totaled the truck, but he's o.k. Wow! what a lucky fellow he was and I sure hope he realizes how lucky he is. The man upstairs sure had his hand on him! Well I guess that's about it....hope everyone has a safe, happy weekend! Hugs! Leah Ann

Monday, July 16, 2012

Check out this AWESOME Giveaway!!!

$150.00 Joann Fabrics Gift Card "250 Follower Giveaway"

  You have 4 opportunities to WIN!!!

1. Become a follower of her blog....
Then comment under her post that you became a follower.

2. Like her on Facebook
Then comment under her post that you did.

3. Grab her button and place on your blog
  Then comment under her post that you did providing the direct URL
to the page where the Button is located.

4. Make a post on your blog about this giveaway
 Then comment under her post that you did providing the direct URL
to the post that contains the giveaway info.

Open to US residents only...

Winner will be chosen using

There will also be 5 additional surprise goodies for 5 other people beside the main winner. 

She will choose these 5 based on a certain criteria.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Tutorial for 5" Easel Card, my first tutorial so please be kind :O)

 Tutorial for 5" Easel Card.
 I first cut a piece of (Tag board or Stampin Up Cardstock) 5" x 10". I find these are the best to use because they are heavier and work real well for Easel Cards.
I score it at 5" and 7 1/2".  This is piece one.

O.k. Miss Sandy, this tutorial is for you ... so let me know if I've confused you more or helped :O)
 Fold the 10" x 5" (piece one) cardstock in half at 5" scoreline.
At this point it just looks like a regular card fold.

 Then fold back at 7 1/2" score line  Piece one.
(Look at the very 1st photo and you will see the scorelines)

 Then I cut a piece of tag board or cardstock 5" x 5" which I'll call piece 2.

 Here you see how the side will look after cutting the 2 pieces. I haven't glued it yet, so the 5" x 5" piece will actually be glued between the 5" score line and the 7 1/2" score line.
(The 10 x 5" piece is folded in half at 5" score line, then folded back at the 7" score line and the piece that you fold back is the piece you glue and adhere the top of the 5" piece on.)
Oh Drat's I'm probably just confusing you :O)

 Shown here where to glue....
I have my arrows at top and side, but I glue all 4 sides and some in the middle.
 5" x 5" cardstock (piece two)...that I decorated onto the part that is folded back (piece one) and it's easier to glue this and then place the 5" (piece 2) piece on, otherwise you don't know exactly where to glue it. I used Tombo Multi Adhesive Glue because it is my favorite adhesive, and I find the best. Remember this is folded back.

 The bottom which I call the base. I usually cut a piece of cardstock 4 3/4 x 4 3/4" for my first layer and it will cover the white on the bottom except for the edges. Then I cut the black piece 2 1/4 x 4 1/2". Then the next piece 2" x 4 1/4". You can go more than 2 1/4 but I never go more than 3" because then the card doesn't want to sit correctly.
 Here is the 5" x 5" piece of cardstock that I have started decorating but haven't finished just to show you.

Here is a finished Easel card. I sure hope this isn't too confusing. It is so simple, but sometimes the instructions make things look hard! If you have any questions just send me an email to lgast24 at gmail dot com
Hugs! Leah Ann