
Friday, March 23, 2012

Got my Vagabond Keys today!!!

Hubby just got the mail, and I got keys to my Vagabond that is still at JoAnn Fabrics....but when I do get it, I've got the keys to get it started :O) I told hubby wouldn't it be wonderful if one just showed up at my door....I know wishful thinking, but Hey! I've had things happen to me like I'm going to stay positive :O) You know when you get a car key in the mail and if it fits, you win? Hmmm maybe I should try these keys :O)
Mostly it's been things like a check in the mail that I wasn't expecting when we needed it so badly!
Just this week, I had prayed Lord, we need money to get us through, and it's my fault because I had over spent money that I shouldn't have...That night or rather a.m. I had checked and sure enough money had been put in the bank that we were waiting for....the first thing I said was "I love you Lord, you are so good to us"
So thankful he supplies our needs and has mercy on us when we don't always do what we should!
I love stamping, and there is always new products and things coming out, and I have just decided that I'm going to be good! These are wants, and yes a need for me to have something to do that I enjoy, but I know I can live without, hope I don't have too :O)  It is so easy to spend money on things we want, and not the things we actually need! We pay our bills first, and then I usually buy things for stamping...and well sometimes things come up not expecting, and that's when I feel bad! I am strong enough to say "I DON'T NEED THIS OR THAT!
 "Everyday holds a possibility of a Miracle" This is a verse that is on my wall above my bed, and just about every night, I look at it and say it to myself! I don't know how many times I go to bed with a burden or need and I look at it and read it to myself, and to my hubby, and so many times those Miracle's have come just in the nick of time! Thank you Lord!!!


  1. I love this post. I can relate because I do the same thing. God is good!


  2. Oh, this all sounds so familiar.
    Rae Ann O.


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