
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Miracles Do Happen

Just want to let you know that miracle's do happen :O) I know at Christmas time folks think about the Lord and giving and receiving. The thing is God is here for us everyday. We don't always understand everything, but if you believe God does answer our prayers! He may not answer them the way we want, but it's in his time, not ours. We had a prayer answered this week, and it was miracle in our life, Thank you Lord!
I'm so thankful that my parents raised me to know the Lord and to learn and see all his wonderful miracle's through the years. 
Today would have been Mom's 80th birthday, and I miss her so much. She was such a wonderful, elegant lady. She loved and taught so many as a Minister's wife, and treated all as if they were her children. She set a wonderful example of how a person should act throughout life. I could not ask for a better Mother anywhere.
I know there are folks out there who are not as lucky as I have been with such wonderful parents. Loving and giving, caring everyday. I know that my parents always said, if I am not doing what you think I should do as a parent, then do it with your children. If you see mistakes I have made, then don't do it with yours. What wonderful advice. 
Mom loved Christmas, and every Christmas Eve all the kids and grandkids & great grandkids, would go to Mom and Dad's and Mom would sit and read the children The Night Before Christmas. Even the youngest would sit there on Mom's lap and listen quietly to her read. It was so wonderful and would bring joy and tears to your eyes. Christmas has not been the same since. All I know is that all the little children in heaven this Christmas will be sitting on Grandma Dot's lap and listening to The Night Before Christmas :O) That's what I think of when I think of my Mom and how she would do in Heaven. She would love all the little children and take care of them :O) 
Love you Mom, and miss You SOOO much! Happy Birthday!


  1. I sat here reading your letter with tears flowing big time. Praying your heart will be lighten this Christmas and every day. Hugz, Colleen

  2. Your Mom was special because she obviously raised a very special daughter. Your post was very sweet and touching. She obviously gave you many wonderful memories to keep her alive in your heart. I'm also glad you received a miracle. Best, Curt


Comments make my day!!! Hugs! :o)