
Monday, November 28, 2011

So many beautiful cards everyone!!!

Oh, I have seen so many gorgeous cards!!!! There is never enough time to make cards, blog, and leave comments on all the blogs! Just know, I've been looking and oh my!!! Love all the gorgeous cards out there! So many talented ladies & gents!!!

My daughter is now sick! There's such a horrible bug going around, and it's been a tough one! I'm so hoping and praying I don't get it, it seems everyone is sick or has been sick! 

My hubby is still having bad headaches, starting to really worry me :( He is in bed, and I need to be making cards. Worra worra!

I need to put our tree up and just can't seem to get in the Christmas spirit...although we did hang a snowman plaque on the front door and put a couple of snowmen outside. We use to put lights inside and out, and now we're lucky to put anything out at all. Hopefully it will kick in soon! Got to for the grandbabies :O)

Stay well out there in blogland!! Hugs! Leah Ann


  1. Oh Leah I do hope everyone gets better soon and it doesnt hit you, it seems everything is passed around by the children, Ihope its all ok and the little one is improving now, bless you your really having a rough time at the moment, sending big hugs darlin xxxx

  2. I hope your daughter and husband feel better soon. I have not started to decorate yet. Will start after I finish my grandson's birthday card.


Comments make my day!!! Hugs! :o)